Duration: 10 Weeks
Tools: Illustration, Dimension, Indesign
Role: Research, Ideation, Design
For this project, I was asked to explore a personal issue that inspires and concerns me. "My ADHD Life," I aimed to educate people about Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and help those with ADHD feel more understood.
I used Human-Centered Design (HCD) to approach the project with neutrality, open-mindedness, and objectivity. Through research, I found that people have misconceptions about ADHD, which led many individuals with the disorder to hide their struggles. To address this, I created a "peel-off calendar" design that will allow individuals to learn about ADHD daily in a simple and accessible way. The project has the potential to be enjoyable and functional, and most importantly, it will help the cause by informing more people about ADHD and reducing prejudice towards individuals with the disorder.
Color and Typeface
Paper Measurement 
Final Packaging
Final Work

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